Frame Element Taxonomy

Frame Element Description

Frame Element Description
Frame ElementEmployer
Number of Definitions15
Number of Children0
Path to TopEmployer -> Agent -> Entity -> Top


Definitions of Employer
Being_employedCThe Employer gives Compensation to an Employee .
Employee's_scenarioCThe person (or institution) that gives Compensation to an Employee .
Employer's_scenarioCThe person (or institution) that gives Compensation to an Employee .
EmployingCThe Employer is the person (or institution) that gives Compensation to an Employee .
Employment_continueCThe person (or institution) that gives Compensation to an Employee .
Employment_endCThe person (or institution) whose employ the Employee leaves.
Employment_scenarioCThe person (or institution) that gives Compensation to an Employee .
Employment_startCThe person (or institution) that enters an employment relationship with an Employee .
FiringCThe person (or institution) that end an employment relationship with an Employee .
Get_a_jobCThe person (or institution) that the Employee enters an employment relationship with.
HiringCThe person (or institution) that takes on an Employee , giving them Compensation in return for the performance of an assigned Task .
Medical_professionalsPThe Employer gives compensation to the Professional for working.
People_by_vocationPThe Employer gives compensation to an Person for their work.
PerformersPThe Employer gives compensation to an Person for their work.
QuittingCThe person (or institution) in whose employ the Employee stood.