Frame Element Taxonomy

Frame Element Description

Frame Element Description
Frame ElementDegree
Number of Definitions420
Number of Children13
Path to TopDegree -> Top


Definitions of Degree
Abounding_withPThis FE identifies the Degree of abundance with which the Theme covers or fills the Location .
AbundancePA modifier expressing the deviation of the Measure from the norm or from the value for another Collection .
AbusingEDegree is the extent to which the abuse occurs.
AccomplishmentEThe extent to which the Agent achieves the Goal .
AccuracyCHow closely the expected or actual location that the Instrument interacts with corresponds to the Target_value .
Activity_finishPThis FE describes the how near the agent is to finishing.
Activity_preparePThis FE describes the amount of preparation the Agent puts into an activity.
Activity_ready_stateEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Activity_stopPThis FE describes the completeness of stopping.
AddictionPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an Addict is addicted to the Addictant .
AdjustingPA characterization of the amount that the Final_value and Initial_value differ.
AestheticsCA modifier expressing the deviation of the implicit value either from the norm or from the value for another Entity .
AgeCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Age from the norm.
AgriculturePThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
AmalgamationPThis FE identifies the thoroughness of the mixing job, i.e. to what degree the resulting Whole is undifferentiated.
Ambient_temperatureCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Temperature from the norm.
AnnoyancePThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
AppearancePThe extent to which a Phenomenon gives the impression that a certain Characterization or Inference holds.
Apply_heatPThis FE identifies the Degree to which heat application occurs.
AppointingPThis FE indicates the Degree to which an event occurs.
ArrangingEThe extent to which the Arranging act has occured.
ArrivingEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
ArsonPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs
ArtificialityPThe extent to which the Entity seems to belong (or not, if so specified by the lexical unit) to the category of the Type is clear. Typically, this frame element is realized as an end-of-scale expression.
AssessingEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
AssistancePThe measure to which the Helper 's assistance brings the Benefited_party closer to accomplishing their Goal .
AtonementPThis FE marks expressions that indicate the Degree to which Amends made are adequate for atoning the Wrong .
AttachingPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Item ends up attached.
AttemptPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an attempt occurs.
Attempt_distant_interaction_scenarioPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an attempt occurs.
Attempt_meansPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an attempt occurs.
Attempt_obtain_food_scenarioPThis FE identifies the amount of effort the Seeker puts into an attempt to obtain Food .
Attempt_suasionPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.
AttentionPThe amount of attention that the Perceiver is paying to the Figure or Ground .
AvoidingPThis FE identifies the Degree to which avoiding occurs.
AwarenessPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.
Be_in_agreement_on_actionEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Be_in_agreement_on_assessmentPThe extent to which the Cognizers are similar in their Opinion s.
Be_in_controlCThe Degree to which the Controlling_entity effects the Dependent_entity .
Bearing_armsPThe amount of Weapons that the Protagonist has (relative to some standard).
Beat_opponentPA qualitative measure of how much the Winner beat the Loser .
Becoming_awarePThis FE identifies the Degree to which becoming aware is occurring.
Becoming_detachedPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Item ends up detached.
Becoming_dryPThe intensity with which the Entity becomes dry.
Becoming_separatedPDegree to which event occurs
Being_activePThe Degree to which the Agent or Salient_entity is active.
Being_at_riskPA modifier expressing the deviation of the actual level of security from the expected value given the Asset and the state indicated by the target itself.
Being_awakeEThe degree to which the Protagonist is awake.
Being_dryPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Item is dry.
Being_in_effectEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Being_necessaryPThe extent to which the Dependent depends on the presence of the Requirement .
Being_operationalPThe extent to which the Artifact exceeds or falls short of the minimum requirements for being operational.
Being_rottedPThis FE identifies the Degree to which rotting has occurred.
Being_strongPThis FE describes the intensity and extent of the Entity 's strength.
Being_up_to_itPThe extent to which the Entity exceeds or falls short of the minimum requirements for participating in the Activity .
Being_wetPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Item is wet.
Biological_urgePDegree identifies the extent to which the Experiencer receives the biological signal.
Body_description_holisticPThis FE identifies the Degree to which a body has a particular characteristic.
Body_description_partPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the body description applies.
Body_movementPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the event occurs.
BraggingPDegree to which event occurs.
BreathingPThis FE identifies the degree to which an Agent is breathing.
BringingEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
BunglingPThis FE identifies the Degree to which a bungling event occurs.
CandidnessPThis FE identifies the Degree to which a communication is candid--some are more candid than others.
CapabilityPThe extent to which the Entity exceeds or falls short of the minimum requirements for participating in the Event .
CapacityPThe extent to which the Entity exceeds or falls short of the minimum requirements for holding the items.
CatastrophePThis FE identifies the Degree to which event occurs.
Cause_bodily_experiencePDegree is the degree to which the Experiencer 's bodily experience is affected.
Cause_changeEThe extent to which the initial and final categories or values differ from each other.
Cause_change_of_consistencyPDegree to which the Undergoer changes consistency.
Cause_change_of_phasePDegree to which the Agent changes the phase of the Undergoer
Cause_change_of_strengthEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Cause_emotionPThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Cause_harmPDegree is the degree to which the Agent causes harm to the Victim .
Cause_motionEDegree to which event occurs
Cause_temperature_changePThe degree to which the Item approaches (an implicit) Temperature_goal , which is often construed to be the ambient temperature.
Cause_to_amalgamatePThis FE identifies the thoroughness of the mixing job, i.e. to what degree the resulting Whole is undifferentiated.
Cause_to_be_dryPThe degree to which the Dryee ends up dry.
Cause_to_be_sharpEThe extent to which the Patient 's sharpness is affected by the Agent .
Cause_to_be_wetPDegree to which the Agent wets the Undergoer .
Cause_to_endPThe Degree to which the Process is brought to an end.
Cause_to_experiencePDegree to which the Experiencer ends up feeling an emotion.
Cause_to_fragmentPThe degree to which the fracturing is completed.
Cause_to_make_progressPThe amount of advancement that the Project has attained.
Cause_to_move_in_placePDegree to which event occurs
Cause_to_wakePThe degree to which the Sleeper ends up awake.
Ceasing_to_bePThe completeness of the disappearance of the Entity
CertaintyPThis FE indicates the Degree to which the Cognizer is certain or uncertain.
Change_event_durationPThe extent to which the initial and final durations differ from each other.
Change_event_timePThe Degree is the extent to which the time change takes place.
Change_of_consistencyPDegree to which the Undergoer changes consistency.
Change_of_leadershipPThis FE indicates the Degree to which an event occurs.
Change_of_phasePDegree to which the Undergoer changes phase.
Change_of_phase_scenarioPDegree to which the Undergoer changes phase.
Change_of_quantity_of_possessionPThe Degree of the change in quantity.
Change_operational_statePThe degree to which the Device is active after the action.
Change_position_on_a_scalePDegree to which event occurs
Chemical-sense_descriptionPThis FE identifies the Degree to which a chemical sense is described.
Clarity_of_resolutionCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Value from what is expected given the Outcome and the Value indicated by the target.
ClosurePThe degree to which the Container_portal / Containing_object ends up closed.
CogitationEThe FE Degree indicates the degree to which the cognizing occurs.
Cognitive_connectionPThe Degree of connection between the Concepts .
CollaborationPThis FE marks expressions that indicate to what extent the Partners are cooperating.
ColonizationEThe extent to which the group of Colonists spreads across or inhabits the New_area .
ColorPThe closeness of the Entity 's color to the center of a Color prototype.
Color_qualitiesPThe level to which the Color is representative of a specific quality.
Coming_to_believePDegree to which event occurs
Communication_mannerPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.
Communication_noisePDegree to which event occurs
CompatibilityPThis Frame Element is used for expressions that indicate the extent to which two Items are compatible.
CompetitionPThis FE describes the intensity of competition.
ComplainingPDegree to which event occurs.
CompletenessPAn expression indicating a deviation of the actual level of completeness from the level indicated by the target.
CompliancePThis FE identifies the Degree to which the compliance ocurrs.
ConductEThe extent to which the (usually 'good' or 'bad') conduct of the Agent deviates from some standard or norm
ConqueringPThis FE describes the intensity and extent of the conquering event.
Container_focused_placingPDegree to which the filling occurs.
Container_focused_removingPThe Degree to which the Agent empties the Source .
ContingencyPThe amount of predictive power supplied by the Determinant with respect to the Outcome .
ContritionPThe FE Degree marks expressions that indicate how badly the Experiencer feels about their prior action.
ControlCThe Degree to which the Influencing_entity effects the Dependent_entity .
Convey_importancePThe degree of importance that the Speaker conveys the Message 's denotation as having.
Cooking_creationPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.
Corporal_punishmentPDegree to which event occurs
CorrectnessPThe degree to which the Information matches or does not match the facts of the world.
CorrodingPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Undergoer corrodes.
Corroding_causedPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Cause corrodes the Undergoer .
CurePDegree to which event occurs
DamagingPThe degree to which the Patient is damaged.
Dead_or_alivePThis FE identifies the Degree to which a Protagonist is dead or alive.
DeathPSome measure of the event, generally frequency.
Degree_of_processingPThe amount to which a Material has undergone processing.
Delimitation_of_diversityPThe deviation of the Upper_limit and the Lower_limit from each other (and thus from some single value).
Deny_permissionEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
DeservingPHow sufficiently State_of_affairs can be considered a reason for the Action .
DesirabilityPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Evaluee is judged good or bad.
Desirable_eventPThe extent to which the specified desirability of the State_of_affairs deviates from the expected desirability.
DesiringPThe Degree is a the extent of the Experiencer 's Desiring.
DestroyingPThe degree to which the destruction is completed.
DetachingPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Item ends up detached.
DifferentiationPDegree to which event occurs
DifficultyPThis Frame Element marks expressions that indicate the Degree of difficulty that the Experiencer has in carrying out the Activity .
DirectionEHow much along the Path from the Base_position that there has been movement in the stated direction.
Disgraceful_situationPThe extent to which the State_of_affairs diverges from the social norm for things of its kind.
DistinctivenessEThe extent to which the values of the Feature of the Entity and the Comparison_set are similar to each other.
DiversityPThe extent to which the members of the Group are similar to each other, in general or with respect to some Dimension (s)
DodgingPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the dodging occurs.
Dominate_competitorPThe Degree to which the Agent dominates the Patient .
Dominate_situationPThe Degree to which the Agent dominates the Situation .
DominationPThe Degree to which the Agent dominates.
DuplicationPDegree to which event occurs.
Duration_attributePDegree to which event occurs
Duration_scenarioCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Duration from the norm.
EclipsePThe extent to which the Eclipsed entity is blocked from view.
Education_teachingPDegree to which event occurs
Elusive_goalPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Experiencer fails to reach a goal.
EmanatingPDegree to which the emanation occurs.
EmittingPDegree to which emission occurs
Emotion_activePThe FE Degree indicates the degree to which the Experiencer expresses the emotion.
Emotion_directedPThe Degree is the degree to which the Experiencer feels the emotion.
Emotion_heatPDegree to which event occurs
EmotionsPThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
Emotions_by_possibilityPThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
Emotions_by_stimulusPThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
Emotions_of_mental_activityPThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
Emotions_success_or_failurePThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
EmptyingPThe Degree to which the Agent empties the Source .
EnforcingEThis FE describes how fully the Rule was enforced.
EscapingPThis FE identifies the (abstract) nearness of the Escapee to being caught in the Undesirable_location .
EvadingPThis FE is used for any expression that describes the Degree to which the Evader avoids Capture or contact with the Pursuer .
Evaluative_comparisonPThis Frame Element marks expressions that indicate how close the Profiled_item and the Standard_item are to each other on the scale evoked by the Attribute .
Eventive_cognizer_affectingPThe degree to which the Cognizer 's mind is changed.
EvidencePThis FE identifies the degree to which a Proposition is supported.
EvokingPDegree to which Cognizer perceives the Stimulus to match the Phenomenon .
ExcretingPThe Degree to which all of the Excreta are removed from the body.
Execute_planEThis FE describes how fully the Plan was executed.
ExecutionPDegree to which event occurs.
ExemplarinessPThe degree to which the Entity is exemplary.
Exertive_forceCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Magnitude of Force that the Entity can exert from the norm or from the value for another Entity .
ExpansionPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the expansion occurs.
ExpectationPDegree to which event occurs
ExpensivenessPThis FE identifies the Degree to which Goods are cheap or expensive.
Experiencer_focusPThe Degree to which the experience occurs.
Experiencer_objPThe Degree is the degree to which the Stimulus brings about an emotion in the Experiencer .
ExpertisePDegree to which event occurs
Explaining_the_factsPThis FE identifies how much of the State_of_affairs is explained by the Fact .
Extreme_valueEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Facial_expressionPDegree to which the Expression occurs.
Fairness_evaluationPThe Degree is the extent to which the Action or Actor is evaluated as being fair or unfair.
FamePA modifier expressing the degree of fame of the Entity .
FamiliarityCThe deviation of the actual level of recognizability of the Entity from the level specified by the target.
FearPThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
FeigningPDegree to which event occurs
Fighting_activityEThis is the Degree of violence of the Fight .
FillingPDegree to which the filling occurs.
FiningPThe Degree to which the Fine is punitive to the Payer .
Food_gatheringPThis FE describes the amount of effort put into the food gathering event.
ForgingPNo Definition
ForgoingPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the forgoing occurs.
Fragmentation_scenarioPDegree to which event occurs
FrequencyCThe extent to which the actually observed rate of occurrence of the Event or Salient_entity differs from the expected rate.
FrictionPThe amount of friction produced in the Theme 's motion.
FrugalityPThis FE identifies the Degree to which a Resource_controller is frugal or profligate.
FullnessPThe extent to which the amount of Contents in the Container diverges from the maximal expected amount for the Container .
Giving_inPA modifier expressing the deviation of how the Issue is resolved from the desires of the Compeller .
Going_back_on_a_commitmentPHow much the Protagonist goes back on their Commitment .
Gradable_attributesCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Value from the norm or from the value for another Entity .
Guest_and_hostPDegree to which event occurs
Guilt_or_innocencePThe extent to which the Accused is involved in the Misdeed .
Have_as_requirementPThe extent to which the Dependent depends on the presence of the Required_entity or the obtaining of the Requirement .
Having_or_lacking_accessPThe extent to which the Theme exceeds or falls short of the ability to move to the Useful_location
Health_responsePThe Degree describes the extent to which the health response occurs. .
Heat_potentialPThe Degree to which the Experiencer feels a level of heat.
Hiding_objectsPThe extent to which the Hidden_object becomes perceptually inaccessible.
HinderingEThe Degree is the extent to which the Hindrance affects the Protagonist or Action .
Historic_eventEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Hit_or_missPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the interaction takes place at the Target_location .
Holding_off_onPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the temporary forgoing occurs.
HospitalityPThe Degree is the extent to which the Host exhibits the particular Behavior towards others.
Hostile_encounterPDegree to which event occurs
HuntingPThis FE identifies the amount of effort the Hunter puts into his attempt to obtain Food .
Hunting_scenarioPThis FE identifies the amount of effort the Hunter puts into an attempt to obtain Food .
Hunting_success_or_failurePThis FE identifies the amount of effort the Hunter puts into an attempt to obtain Food .
IdiosyncrasyPThe extent to which the Idiosyncrasy differs from the norm.
ImitatingPThe extent to which the Agent 's way of behaving is similar to that of the Standard .
ImmobilizationPThe extent to which the Patient is immobilized as a result.
ImportancePThis FE marks expressions that indicate the Degree to which the Factor is important to the Undertaking .
ImpressionPThe effectiveness of the Impression on the Audience.
InclinationPThis Frame Element marks expressions that indicate how great the inclination of an Entity towards a Behavior is.
IneffabilityPAn expression of how unusual the ineffability of the Stimulus is.
Influence_of_event_on_cognizerPThe extent to which a Protagonist or Situation influences the Cognizer .
IngestionPThe extent to which the Ingestibles are consumed by the Ingestor .
InspectingPThis FE identifies the extent to which the Inspector examines the Ground .
InstallingEThe Degree indicates the degree to which the installation is completed.
Intentionally_affectEThe extent to which the Patient is affected by the Event .
IntoxicationPThis Fe identifies the Degree to which the Cognizer is altered by the Intoxicant .
InvadingPThis FE describes how intense the invation of the Land is.
Invasion_scenarioPThis FE describes the intensity and extent of the invasion event.
JudgmentPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the judging occurs.
Judgment_communicationEThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Communicator judges the Evaluee to be good or bad.
Judgment_direct_addressPThe Degree is the severity of the judgment.
Just_found_outPThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
KidnappingPDegree to which event occurs
KillingPThe Degree appears with adjectives to describe the killing potential of an object or with nouns to describe how widespread the killing is.
KinshipPAn expression of the closeness or distance of the relation. We do not go into full anthropological detail in measuring the distance of the relation, but simply annotate all such expressions as Degree
LeadershipPThe Degree to which leadership is asserted.
Light_movementPDegree to which the light movement occurs
LikelihoodPDegree to which event occurs
Linguistic_meaningEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute of the Form and modifies the expected value for it.
Lively_placePA modifier expressing the deviation in amount of activity from the norm or from the amount for another Location .
Location_of_lightPDegree to which the Light is emitted, usually indicating the brightness.
Losing_itPDegree marks the extent to which the Protagonist 's mental state changes.
LuckPThe Degree to which the State_of_affairs is lucky (either a degree of goodness or a degree of unexpectedness, or both).
Make_noisePDegree to which event occurs
Making_facesPThe amount to which the expression on the face of the Agent matches the prototypical image for the indicated facial expression.
Manipulate_into_doingEThis FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.
Mass_motionPDegree of abundance.
Measurable_attributesCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Value from the norm.
Measure_scenarioCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Value from the norm.
Medical_conditionsPThe extent to which the Ailment diverges from the norm. Since the degree of involvement with an Ailment is equivalent to how negative the experience of the Patient is, in many cases, Degree is expressed by a negative descriptor.
Meet_specificationsPThe extent to which the Standard is exceeded or not by Agent , Entity or Event .
MemoryPDegree to which event occurs
Mental_activityEThis FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.
Mental_propertyPDegree marks the extent to which the Behavior or Practice is exhibited or attributed.
Mental_stimulus_exp_focusPThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
Mental_stimulus_stimulus_focusPThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
Morality_evaluationPThe Degree to which the evaluation holds.
MotionEThe extent to which the Theme cross a boundary as it moves away from a Source region or into a Goal region.
Motion_directionalPThe extent to which the Theme crosses boundary as it enters a Goal region or exits a Source region.
Motion_noisePThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Motion occurs.
NeedingPThe extent to which the Dependent depends on the presence of the Requirement .
Nuclear_processPThe extent to which the Element 's substance is converted to the Final_element .
Objective_influenceCThe Degree to which the Influencing_entity effects the Dependent_entity .
Obligation_scenarioPThe deviation of the requirement from the norm.
ObscurityPA modifier expressing the degree of fame of the Entity .
ObviousnessCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Phenomenon from the norm or from the value for another Phenomenon in terms of how likely the Phenomenon would be known.
OffensesPThis FE broadly picks out the degree of offense.
OpennessPThe extent to which a Theme can easily access the Useful_location
Operate_vehiclePThe extent to which the Vehicle crosses a boundary or the extent to which the Vehicle completes a course.
Operational_testingPThis FE identifies the extent to which the Tester examines the Product .
Others_situation_as_stimulusPThe extent to which the Experiencer 's emotion deviates from the norm for the emotion.
PartialityPThis Frame Element marks expressions that tell to what extent the Judge exhibited or lacked bias.
Path_shapeEExtent to which the described configuration deviates from the norm for a Road .
Perception_bodyPDegree to which event occurs
Perception_experiencePThe Degree indicates the degree to which the Perception is experienced.
Personal_relationshipPDegree to which event occurs
PiracyPDegree to which event occurs
Place_weight_onPThis FE marks expressions that indicate the Degree to which the Consideration is important to the Undertaking .
PlacingEThe Degree indicates the degree to which the placing occurs.
Placing_scenarioPDegree to which the filling occurs.
PlantingPThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
PopularityPA description of how desirable the Evaluee is.
Position_on_a_scalePThis FE identifies the Degree to which the scalar property of an Item holds with respect to some Variable .
PosturePDegree to which event occurs
PraiseworthinessPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the judgement or reaction is deserved.
PreferencePThe Degree is the extent of the Experiencer 's Desiring.
PreliminariesPThe extent to which the Preparatory_act is distant from the achievement of the Purpose .
PreservingPThe extent to which the Undergoer is preserved from decaying.
PreventingEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Process_endPDegree to which the event occurs.
Process_pausePDegree to which the event occurs.
Process_stopPDegree to which the event occurs.
ProgressPThe amount of advancement that the Entity has attained.
Proliferating_in_numberPDegree to which event occurs.
ProminencePA modifier expressing the deviation of the prominence from the norm or from the value for another Entity .
ProtectingEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Proximity_image_schemaCThe amount of deviation from an idealized expected distance of the Profiled_region from the Ground .
Punctual_perceptionPThe Degree indicates the degree to which the Perception is experienced.
QuantityPThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
RapePDegree to which event occurs
RashnessPThe extent to which the Action of the Protagonist deviates from the expected in its rashness.
ReadingPDegree to which event occurs
ReasoningPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an arguing event occurs.
RecordingEThe extent to which the Phenomenon has been documented.
RecoveryPThe extent to which the Patient 's state diverges from their former illness.
Reforming_a_systemPThe extent to which the Entity differs from its former state at the end of the reform.
RejuvenationEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Relating_conceptsPThe Degree of connection between the Concepts .
Relational_quantityPThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Relative_timePDegree to which event occurs
ReliancePThe extent to which the achievement of the Benefit depends on the Means action.
Religious_beliefPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Believer is convinced of the usefulness and validity of their religious beliefs .
RemovingPDegree to which event occurs
Removing_scenarioPThe Degree to which the Agent empties the Source .
Render_nonfunctionalEDegree to which event occurs
ReparationPThe extent to which the Wrongdoer makes amends for the Injury .
RepaymentPThe level to which the Loan can be considered repaid in its entirety.
RepelPThis FE describes the intensity and extent of the repelling event.
ReplacingEThe extent to which the New entity is affected by the Agent . Degree s of replacement are generally only possible when there are multiple New and Old entities.
RepresentingPThis FE describes the Degree to which the Entity represents the Phenomenon .
Required_eventPThe degree to which the Required_situation is necessary. The Degree may either imply a modification of the direness of the Negative_consequences , the probability of the Negative_consequences (if the Required_situation is not made to hold), or both.
Requirement_scenarioPThe extent to which the Dependent depends on the presence of the Requirement .
ReshapingPThe degree to which the Undergoer is reshaped.
Resolve_attempt_scenarioPThe extent to which the Action succeeds or fails.
Resolve_problemPThe Degree to which the Agent or Cause resolves the problem.
RevengePThis FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.
Rewards_and_punishmentsPDegree of reward or punishment.
Rising_to_a_challengePThe extent to which the Protagonist exceeds or falls short of the minimum requirements for participating in the Activity as a result of expending effort to get themselves ready.
Risk_scenarioPA modifier expressing the deviation of the actual level of security from the expected value given the Asset , the Situation , and state indicated by the target itself.
Risky_situationPA modifier expressing the deviation of the actual level of security from the expected value given the Situation and the state indicated by the target itself.
RottingPThe Degree expressions that indicate to what degree the Undergoer has changed.
ScarcityPA modifier expressing the deviation of the Measure from the norm or from the value for another Collection .
ScouringPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Searcher scrutinizes the Ground .
Scrutinizing_forPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Cognizer scrutinizes the Ground .
ScrutinyEThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Cognizer scrutinizes the Ground .
Searching_scenarioPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Cognizer scrutinizes the Ground .
Secrecy_statusPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Phenomenon is hidden from cognizers.
SeekingPThis FE identifies the amount of effort put into an attempt.
Seeking_to_achievePThis FE identifies the amount of effort put into an attempt.
SendingPDegree to which event occurs
SensationPThis FE describes how strong the sensation is.
SeparatingPDegree to which event occurs
SharpnessCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Sharpness from the norm or from the value for another Entity .
Shoot_projectilesPDegree to which event occurs
Shooting_scenarioPDegree to which event occurs
ShoppingPThis FE identifies the amount of effort put into shopping.
Sidereal_appearancePThe extent to which the Astronomical_entity comes into view above the horizon.
SignPThis FE indicates the Degree to which the Indicator is a sign of the Indicated .
SilencingPThe extent to which the Agent succeeds in creating silence.
SimilarityPThe extent to which entities are similar to each other, in general or with respect to some Dimension (s)
SizePThe extent to which the size of the Entity deviates from the norm.
SleepEThe degree to which the Sleeper is asleep.
Soaking_upPDegree describes the extent to which a particular absorption event deviates from the norm.
SociabilityPDegree to which event occurs
Social_behavior_evaluationPThe extent to which the described Behavior deviates from the norm.
Social_connectionPThis FE identifies the Degree (strength or closeness) of the Connection .
Social_eventPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Social_event occurs.
Social_event_collectivePThis FE identifies the Degree to which the social event occurs.
Social_event_individualsPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the social event occurs.
Social_interaction_evaluationPThe Degree is the extent to which the Evaluee exhibits the particular Behavior towards others.
Sound_levelCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Volume from the norm.
SoundsPExpressions that indicate the loudness of the sound.
SpeedCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Speed from the norm.
Stage_of_progressPThe amount of advancement that the Entity has attained.
StatementEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Stimulus_focusPDegree to which the Stimulus evokes the emotion in the Experiencer
StinginessPThe Degree is how generous or stingy the Resource_controller is judged to be.
StrictnessPDegree to which event occurs
SuasionPDegree to which event occurs
Subjective_temperaturePHow much the actual feeling of temperature deviates from a certain level of warmth.
SubversionPThe extent to which the Cause or Counter_actor impede the Agent or the State_of_affairs .
Success_or_failurePThis FE identifies the Degree to which an attempt occurs.
Successful_actionPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an attempt involving a particular Means or Instrument succeeds.
SufficiencyPThe Degree frame element indicates a modification of the value indicated by the target.
SuitabilityPThis Frame Element marks constituents that express the Degree to which the Evaluee is suitable for the Context.
SupportingPThe measure to which the Supporter 's assistance brings the Supported added strength and support.
Surrendering_possessionEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
SurvivingPThis FE identifies the Degree to which the Survivor survives.
SuspiciousnessPThe extent to which the Behavior is suspicious.
Take_place_ofPA Degree of replacement is generally only possible when New entities replace Old entities in multiple contexts.
Taking_sidesPThe Degree to which the Cognizer supports or opposes something.
Taking_timeCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Time_length from the norm.
TemperatureCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Temperature from the norm.
Temporal_subregionEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Text_scenarioPThis Frame Element marks expressions that indicate to which Degree the Text is about the Topic .
ThwartingPThe Degree to which the Action is thwarted.
ToleratingPThe Degree to which the toleration occurs.
TopicPThis Frame Element marks expressions that indicate to which Degree the Text is about the Topic
Toxic_substancePDegree is the degree to which the Toxic_substance is harmful to the Victim .
TraversingEDegree to which event occurs
TrendinessPA modifier expressing the deviation of the degree of trendiness from the norm or from the value for another Behavior .
TrustPThis FE indicates the Degree to which the Cognizer trusts the Source.
TypicalityPThe extent to which the Entity varies from other members of the Comparison_set .
Undergo_changePThe extent to which the initial and final values or categories differ from each other.
UndressingPDegree to which event occurs
Unemployment_rateCA modifier expressing the deviation of the Value from the norm.
Used_upPA measure of the amount of the Resource that is gone, or of the degree to which its quality is reduced.
UsefulnessPThe amount that the presence of the Entity aids in the completion of the (desirable) Purpose .
UsingEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute of the Instrument or the Using act and modifies the expected value for it.
VerificationPThe amount of certainty which the Inspector achieves after the process of verification.
Version_sequencePThe degree of the distance the Item is from the final version.
VocalizationsPExpressions that indicate the loudness of the sound.
VolubilityPDegree to which the Speaker withholds or does not withhold information and conversation.
Want_suspectEThis frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Waver_between_optionsEThe Degree to which the Cognizer wavers.
WealthinessPThe degree of wealthiness (or poverty) of the Person or Institution .
WearingPA characterization of how completely the clothing status holds.
WillingnessPA modifier expressing the deviation of the willingness from the norm or from the value for another Cognizer .
Working_onPThis FE identifies the Degree to which an attempt occurs.