Frame Element Taxonomy

Frame Element Description

Frame Element Description
Frame ElementReason
Number of Definitions168
Number of Children5
Path to TopReason -> Top


Definitions of Reason
AbusingPThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Abuser abuses others.
Achieving_firstEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Cognizer created the New_idea .
Activity_resumeEThe Reason for which the Activity is resumed.
AmassingEThe Reason refers to the existing eventuality that the Recipient is responding to.
AnnoyanceEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
ArsonPThis FE identifies the Reason for which an event occurs.
AttackEA state of affairs that the Assailant is responding to that leads them to make an assault on the Victim .
AttemptEThe state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in desiring the Goal .
AvoidingEThis FE identifies the Reason for which avoiding occurs.
Become_silentPThe Reason is why the Speaker ceases speaking.
BecomingEA state of affairs that an intentional Entity is responding to by changing.
Being_necessaryPThe state-of-affairs which militates that the Requirement is necessary for the Dependent to obtain.
Biological_urgeEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Experiencer has the biological urge.
BraggingPA characteristic of the entity or state of affairs denoted by the Topic which explains why the Speaker is proud of the association with the Topic referent.
CausationPThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Cause_bodily_experienceEA fact or action somehow related to the Experiencer that the Agent responds to by causing an experience in the Experiencer .
Cause_changeEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in bringing about the change in the Entity .
Cause_change_of_consistencyEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Undergoer 's consistency is changed.
Cause_expansionPThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Agent cause the expansion of the Item .
Cause_fluidic_motionEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in causing the Fluid to move.
Cause_harmEA fact or action somehow related to the Victim that the Agent responds to by causing harm to the Victim .
Cause_to_be_sharpEThe state of affairs that the Agent is responding to by executing the sharpening act.
Cause_to_endEThe Reason for which the event is ended.
Cause_to_fragmentEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in performing the action.
Cause_to_make_noisePThe change or state of affairs preceding the event, deemed to have caused the event.
Cause_to_move_in_placeEThis FE identifies the Reason for which an event occurs.
Cause_to_wakeEThis FE identifies the Reason for which an intentional act is performed. Mary woke him because he looked troubled .
Change_event_durationEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in bringing about the change of duration.
Change_event_timeEThe Reason is the reason or explanation for why the Event occurs at a different time.
Change_of_consistencyEThe Reason for which the Undergoer changes consistency.
Change_of_state_scenarioCThis FE identifies Reason for which an event occurs.
ChoosingEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Cognizer chooses the Chosen .
ClemencyPA state of affairs that the Executive_authority is responding to in granting clemency.
Commerce_buyEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Commerce_collectEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Commerce_goods-transferEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Commerce_money-transferEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Commerce_payEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Commerce_sellEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Committing_crimePA state of affairs that the Perpetrator is responding to in their Crime .
Communication_meansEThis FE identifies the Reason for using the means of communication. Note that this FE does not inheret from Intentional_act.
Communication_noisePThis FE idenitifes the Reason for which an event occurs.
CommutationPA state of affairs that the Executive_authority is responding to in commuting the Original_punishment .
CompliancePThe Reason for complying with the Norm .
ConductEThis FE marks expressions that indicate why an Agent behaved in a certain way.
ContactingCThis FE identifies the Reason for the Communicator contacting the Addressee . Often, this FE is used to identify a PP-for which indicates what the Communicator is attempting to obtain. Note that this FE does not inherit from Intentional_act.
Container_focused_placingEThe Reason for which the Agent fills or covers the Goal .
Corporal_punishmentCTypically, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for the Judge's judgment. It is usually a for -PP, e.g.
CorrodingEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Undergoer corrodes.
Corroding_causedEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Undergoer is corroded.
DamagingEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in performing the action.
DaringEThe Reason the Agent takes the risk.
DeathEThe FE Reason denotes the condition(s) that precede the death of the Protagonist that result in the death.
DefendEA state of affairs that the Defender is responding to that leads them to protect the Victim .
DeliveryPThe Reason for the delivery.
DepartingEThe Reason is the motivation or explanation for why the Theme departs.
DesiringEThe Reason shows why the Experiencer wants the Event to occur. This FE occurs frequently as a PP complement headed by for .
DestroyingEA state of affairs that the Destroyer is responding to in destroying the Undergoer .
DispersalEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in dispersing the Individuals
DodgingEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the dodging occurs.
DressingEThe Reason indicates why the Wearer puts on the Clothing .
DuplicationEThe Reason for which an intentional act is performed.
DyingEThe Reason why the dying event occurs.
EmittingEThe Reason for which the Source_emitter emits the Emission
Emotion_directedEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
EmotionsEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
Emotions_by_possibilityEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
Emotions_by_stimulusEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
Emotions_of_mental_activityEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
Emotions_success_or_failureEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
EvadingEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Evading is. done.
EventEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Eventive_affectingEThis FE identifies the Reason for which an event occurs.
EvokingEThe Reason for which the Stimulus evokes the Phenomenon .
ExecutionPOften, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for the Judge's judgment which the Executioner is carrying out. It is usually a for -PP.
Experiencer_focusEThe Reason is the explanation for why an Experiencer experiences the particular emotion.
ExtraditionPThe Reason for which the Authorities extradite the Suspect . .
FameCThe behavior, attribute, or associated entities that provide the reason for the Entity being famous.
FearEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
FillingEThe Reason for which the Agent fills or covers the Goal .
FiningCTypically, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for the Judge's judgment. It is usually a for -PP, e.g. I admire you for your intellect . For some words in this domain, the Reason frame element is obligatory. That is to say, the overt expression of this frame element may only be omitted when the reason for the judgment is understood from context. For example, the sentence 'I blame you!' can only be uttered when it is clear what the addressee is being blamed for.
FiringEThe Reason for which the Employee is terminated.
ForgoingEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the forgoing occurs.
GettingEThe Reason refers to the existing eventuality that the Recipient is responding to.
Getting_scenarioEThe Reason refers to the existing eventuality that the Recipient is responding to.
Getting_upEA state of affairs that the Protagonist is responding to in getting up.
GivingEThe Reason for which the Donor gives the Theme to the Recipient .
Go_into_shapeEThe Reason for which the change into the shape occurs.
Grant_permissionEThe Reason is the cognitive cause of the Grantor 's granting of permission.
HinderingEThis FE label is used for the cause of the Hindrance
Historic_eventEThis FE identifies the Reason for which an event occurs.
Hostile_encounterEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Import_exportEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in performing the action.
ImportanceEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Factor is important to the Undertaking .
ImportingEA state of affairs that explains the Importer 's importation of the Goods .
ImprisonmentEThe act or state of affairs that the Authorities respond to by imprisoning the Prisoner .
Inhibit_movementEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in performing the action.
Intentionally_affectEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in performing the action.
Interrupt_processPThe Reason for which the interruption occurs.
InvadingEA state of affairs that the Invader is responding to that leads them to make an assault on the Land .
JudgmentCTypically, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for the Judge's judgment. It is usually a for -PP, e.g.
Judgment_communicationCTypically, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for the Communicator 's judgment. It is usually a for -PP. It can also sometimes be expressed as an as -phrase, when that phrase picks out the reason for the praise or critique. For some words, Reason is an obligatory FE. In other words, the FE may be ommitted only when the Reason for the judgment is understood from context, as when it is clear why an Evaluee is being blamed.
Judgment_direct_addressCThe Reason is why the Communicator forms the type of judgment they form.
Just_found_outEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
JustifyingPThe set of facts or circumstances that the Agent offers in explanation of their earlier Act or of the State_of_affairs
KidnappingPThe Reason is why the Perpetrator commits the kidnapping.
KillingEThe preexisting state of affairs that the Killer is responding to.
Knot_creation_scenarioEThe Reason for which the manipulation of the Rope takes place.
LikelihoodEThis FE expresses a reason the speaker has for making judgment about the likelihood of an event.
Lose_possessionEThe Reason indicates what the Donor is trying to accomplish by the Relinquishing.
Losing_itPThe cause for the Protagonist to go crazy.
Make_noisePThis FE identifies the Reason that the Sound_source produces the sound. Generally, this is some external stimulus that prompts the Sound_source to make noise.
Manipulate_into_shapeEThe Reason for which the manipulation of the Theme takes place.
ManipulationEA state of affairs leading to the manipulation
MemoryEThe Reason for which the remembering or forgetting occurs.
Mental_stimulus_exp_focusEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
Mental_stimulus_stimulus_focusEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Stimulus evokes a certain emotional response.
ObscurityEThe reason that the Entity is not famous.
OfferingEThe Reason for which the Offerer offers the Theme to the Potential_recipient .
Others_situation_as_stimulusEThe Reason is the explanation for why the Other evokes a certain emotional response.
PardonPReason is the cause for pardoning an Offender .
Perception_bodyEThe Reason describes the cause of the perception the body is experiencing.
PiracyPThe situation that the Perpetrator had in mind which lead to the decision to perpetrate the particular act of piracy.
Place_weight_onEThis FE identifies the Reason for which the Consideration is important to the Undertaking .
PlacingEThe Reason indicates why the Placing occurs.
Placing_scenarioEThe Reason for which the Agent fills or covers the Goal .
Process_continueEThe Reason for which the Event occurs.
Process_endEThe Reason for which the event ends.
Process_pauseEThe Reason for which a pause occurs.
Process_resumeEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Process_startEThe Reason for which an Event occurs.
Process_stopEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
Processing_materialsEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in processing the Material .
Provide_lodgingEThe Reason is the cognitive cause of the Host 's granting of permission.
QuittingEThe Reason for which the Employee quits.
RapePThe Reason for which an event occurs.
RatificationEThe Reason is the cognitive cause of the Ratifier 's ratification.
RegardPThere may be a constituent expressing the Reason for the Cognizer 's judgment. It is usually a for -PP.
Relative_timeEThis FE is used for the Reason or explanation for the Focal_occasion being early or late.
ReleasingEThe Reason identifies the reason for which the Agent are releasing the Theme .
Releasing_from_custodyEThe Reason identifies the reason for which the Authorities are releasing the Suspect .
ReplacingEA state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in placing the New filler in a position.
Requirement_scenarioPThe state-of-affairs which militates that the Requirement is necessary for the Dependent to obtain.
ReshapingEThe Reason indicates a state of affairs that the Deformer is responding to in performing the reshaping.
ResurrectionEAn explanation of how the state-of-affairs came to pass.
Rewards_and_punishmentsCTypically, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for the Agent 's judgment. It is usually a 'for'-PP, e.g.
RobberyPThe state of affairs that the Perpetrator has in mind which leads to the decision to commit the robbery.
Rope_manipulationEThe Reason for which the manipulation of the Rope takes place.
RottingEThe Reason indicates the reason for which the Undergoer rots.
Ruling_legallyPThe Reason for the Finding .
Self_motionEThe state of affairs that leads to the particular motion that the Self_mover adopts.
SendingPThe Reason for the sending.
Sign_agreementPThe Reason for putting signature to paper.
SilencingEThe Reason for which an intentional act is performed.
SmugglingPThe Reason for which an event occurs.
SoundsEThis FE idntifies the Reason that the Sound_source produces the sound. Generally, this is some external stimulus that prompts the Sound_source to make noise.
State_continuePThe state of affairs that explains why the State persists.
SupplyEThe Reason for which the Supplier gives the Theme to the Recipient .
TakingPThe Reason for the taking.
Text_creationPThe Reason for creating the text.
TheftPThis FE identifies the Reason for which a theft occurs.
ToleratingEThe Reason is the explanation for why an Experiencer tolerates the Content .
Toxic_substanceEA fact or action that explains why the Toxic_substance has a harmful effect on the Victim .
TransferEThe Reason for which an event occurs.
TravelEThe Reason for which the travel is undertaken.
UndergoingEThe Reason for which the Entity undergoes the Event .
VerdictPThe Reason for the verdict given.
VocalizationsEThis FE idntifies the Reason that the Sound_source produces the sound. Generally, this is some external stimulus that prompts the Sound_source to make noise.