Frame Element Taxonomy

Frame Element Description

Frame Element Description
Frame ElementGoal
Number of Definitions81
Number of Children5
Path to TopGoal -> Purpose -> Top


Definitions of Goal
AccomplishmentCThe state or action that the Agent has wished to participate in.
ArrivingCGoal is any expression that tells where the Theme ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion. Although always conceptually present and specific, Goal may sometimes be understood from context, rather than expressed by any separate constituent.
AssistanceCThe desirable state of affairs that the Benefited_party is involved in and which is enabled by the Helper .
AttachingCGoal identifies the location to which an Item is attached.
AttemptCThe Goal is what the Agent attempts to achieve.
Attempt_meansCThe Goal is what the Agent attempts to achieve.
Attempting_scenarioCThe Goal is what the Agent attempts to achieve.
Being_attachedCGoal identifies the location to which the Item (s) is attached.
Body_movementPGoal is any expression that identifies the endpoint of movement.
BreathingPThis FE identifies the point at which the Air ends up as a result of the motion.
BringingCGoal identifies the endpoint of the path.
Cause_fluidic_motionCGoal is the location the Fluid ends up in as a result of the motion
Cause_motionCThe FE Goal is the point at which the Theme ends up as a result of the motion.
Change_directionPAny expression which indicates where the Theme ends up as a result of the change of direction. .
Change_posturePThis FE is used for any expressions that indicate the endpoint of the posture change. Often this is the place that provides support for the posture.
Connecting_architecturePThe Goal is one of the Connected_locations treated as a goal
Container_focused_placingCThe Goal is the area or container being filled. Goal is generally the NP Object in this frame.
Container_focused_removingPThe Goal is any expression which tells where the Theme ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion.
CothemeCAny expression which tells where the Cotheme ends up as a result of the motion expresses the frame element Goal . Note that if the Cotheme is animate, the Theme need not also end up in the same place. Some particles imply the existence of a Goal which is understood in the context of utterance.
DeliveryCThe end of the path and intended goal of the sending.
DepartingPThis FE labels any expression which tells where the Theme ends up, or would end up, as a result of departing from the Source .
DisembarkingPThe location that the Traveller reaches by leaving the Vehicle .
DuplicationEThe Goal is the location to which material is copied. Unlike the FE Goal in other frames, there is no actual movement of any entity to this location. Goal is usually expressed as a PP Complement:
EmanatingPThis FE is the point at which the Emission ends up as a result of the motion.
EmittingPThis FE is the point at which the Emission ends up as a result of the motion.
EmptyingPThe Goal is any expression which tells where the Theme ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion.
EscapingPGoal identifies any expression which tells where the Escapee ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion.
ExcretingPThe Goal is where the Excreta finishes its motion.
FillingCThe Goal is the area or container being filled. Goal is generally the NP Object in this frame.
FleeingCGoal is used for any expression which tells where the Self_mover ends up as a result of the motion.
Fluidic_motionCGoal is the location the Fluid ends up.
Gathering_upPGoal designates the location where the Individuals might end up.
Getting_underwayPGoal is any expression that tells where the Self_mover ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion.
GrindingEThis is where the Undergoer might end up, after undergoing the grinding process.
Inchoative_attachingCGoal identifies the location to which the first Item is attached.
Intentional_traversingCAny expression which indicates where the Self_mover ends up as a result of the motion expresses the frame element Goal .
KidnappingPGoal is the place in which the Victim ends up.
Light_movementCGoal is the location the Beam ends up in.
Mass_motionCGoal is the location the Mass_theme ends up in.
MilitaryPA (permanent or temporary) Goal of the Force .
MotionCThe Goal is the location the Theme ends up in.
Motion_directionalCThe Goal is the location the Theme ends up in (often unintentionally).
Motion_noiseCThe Goal is any expression which tells where the Theme ends up as a result of the Motion.
Motion_scenarioCThe Goal is the location the Theme ends up in.
Operate_vehicleCAny expression which tells where the moving object(s) ends up as a result of the motion expresses the frame element Goal . Some particles imply the existence of a Goal which is understood in the context of utterance.
Path_shapeCAny expression which tells where the fictive mover travelling along a Road would end up.
Path_traveledPThe Goal is the endpoint of the Path .
PiracyPThis is the place to which the vehicle is directed.
PlacingCThe FE Goal is the location where the Theme ends up. This FE is profiled by words in this frame.
Placing_scenarioCThe Goal is the area or container being filled. Goal is generally the NP Object in this frame.
Product_deliveryCThe end of the path and intended goal of the sending.
ProjectCThe larger aim that the Agent is pursuing by carrying out certain coordinated measures.
PurposeCThe action or state of affairs that the Agent wants to achieve.
RedirectingCThe location the Theme ends up in after being redirected.
RemovingPThe Goal is the location where the Theme ends up. This Frame Element is not profiled by words in this frame, though it may occasionally be expressed, as with the word remove .
Removing_scenarioPThe Goal is any expression which tells where the Theme ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion.
Resolve_attempt_scenarioCThe Goal is what the Agent attempts to achieve.
Ride_vehicleCThe Goal is the endpoint of the trajectory of motion.
RoadwaysPThe Goal is one of the Endpoints of the Roadway treated as a goal.
Self_motionCGoal is used for any expression which tells where the Self_mover ends up as a result of the motion. Some particles imply the existence of a Goal which is understood in the context of utterance.
SendingCThe end of the path and intended goal of the sending. I sent the logs to the shed .
Sent_itemsPThe end of the path and intended goal of the sending.
Shoot_projectilesPThis FE is the point at which the Theme ends up as a result of the motion. Kim threw the cat into the garden .
Shooting_scenarioPThis FE is the point at which the Theme ends up as a result of the motion. Kim threw the cat into the garden .
Sidereal_appearancePThe Goal is the location above the horizon that the Astronomical_entity ends up in.
SmugglingCGoal is the location the Goods end up in.
Source_of_gettingCAn entity or individual that has acquired a Theme from the Source .
Source_path_goalCA description of the location that the Trajector ends up.
Success_or_failureCThe Goal is what the Agent attempts to achieve.
Successful_actionCThe Goal is what the agent attempts to achieve by performing the Means action.
TravelCThe Goal is the location where the travelers end up.
TraversingCAny expression which tells where the Theme ends up as a result of the motion expresses the frame element Goal. Some particles imply the existence of a Goal which is understood in the context of utterance:
Use_firearmPGoal is the location the Theme ends up in, or is intended to end up in.
Use_vehicleCThe Goal is the endpoint of the trajectory of motion.
Visit_host_departurePThis FE labels any expression which tells where the Visitor ends up, or would end up, as a result of departing from the Source .
Visiting_scenario_arrivalCGoal is any expression that tells where the Agent ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion. Although always conceptually present and specific, Goal may sometimes be understood from context, rather than expressed by any separate constituent.
Visiting_scenario_departingPThis FE labels any expression which tells where the Agent ends up, or would end up, as a result of departing from the Source .
Visitor_arrivalCGoal is any expression that tells where the Agent ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion. Although always conceptually present and specific, Goal may sometimes be understood from context, rather than expressed by any separate constituent.
Visitor_departurePThis FE labels any expression which tells where the Agent ends up, or would end up, as a result of departing from the Source .
WearingEThe location that the Wearer arrives at or enters while wearing the Clothing .
Working_onCThe Goal is what the Agent expends effort to achieve.