Frame Element Taxonomy

Frame Element Description

Frame Element Description
Frame ElementDepictive
Number of Definitions234
Number of Children1
Path to TopDepictive -> State -> Top


Definitions of Depictive
AbandonmentEThe FE Depictive describes the Agent during the abandoning event.
Abounding_withEThe Depictive describes the state of the Location .
Absorb_heatEThis FE describes the Entity as being in some state during the action.
AbusingEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target.
Activity_finishEThis FE identifies the Depictive phrase describing an actor or an undergoer of an action.
Activity_ongoingEThis FE is used for the Depictive phrase describing the actor or undergoer of an Activity .
Activity_pauseEThis FE is used for the Depictive phrase describing the actor or undergoer of an action.
Activity_prepareEThis FE is used for the Depictive phrase describing the actor or undergoer of an action.
Activity_resumeEhis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target.
Activity_startEThis FE identifies the Depictive phrase describing the actor or undergoer of an action.
Activity_stopEThis FE is used for a Depictive phrase describing the actor or undergoer of an action.
AdducingEThe state of the Speaker during the statement.
Adopt_selectionEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
Agree_or_refuse_to_actEDepictive phrase describing the Speaker .
AimingEThe Depictive is a phrase which describes the Agent during the event.
AmalgamationEThe state of Part_1 or Parts .
AppointingEDepictive indicates the state of one of the participants during the action.
ArrivingEThe Depictive is a phrase which describes the state of the Theme upon arrival.
ArsonEDepictive identifies a phrase that describes the actor of an action.
AssessingEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target.
AttackEThis FE is used for any Depictive phrase describeing the state of the Assailant or Victim while the Attack occurs.
AttemptEThe Depictive is a phrase which describes the Agent .
Attempt_distant_interaction_scenarioEThe Depictive is a phrase which describes the Agent during the event.
Attempt_meansEThe Depictive is a phrase which describes the Agent .
Attempt_suasionEDepictive identifies a phrase that describes the actor of an action.
Be_in_agreement_on_assessmentEThis FE is used for any Depictive phrase describing the state of the Cognizers
Beat_opponentEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
Becoming_a_memberEThe state of the New_member when they join.
Becoming_separatedEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the undergoers of the separation.
Being_activeEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target.
Being_at_riskEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
Being_bornPThe state of the Child as it enters the world.
Being_strongEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target. In some cases, the Depictive describes the participant by characterizing a subpart.
BirthEDepictive identifies the phrase describing a participant of an action
Board_vehicleEThe state of the Traveller or Vehicle during the boarding.
Body_movementEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the actor of an action.
BraggingEThe state of the Speaker during the statement.
BreathingEDepictive identifies a phrase describing a participant in a breathing event.
BringingEDepictive identifies a phrase describing the Carrier , Agent or Theme .
BuildingEDepictive identifes the phrase describing the participant in the act of building.
BunglingEDepictive identifes a phrase describing a particpant in an action.
CapacityEA description of one of the participants, typically the Theme but possibly the Entity .
Cause_bodily_experienceEDepictive identifies any Depictive phrase describing the actor of an action or the affected entity.
Cause_change_of_phaseEThe Depictive describes the state of the Agent or Undergoer at the time of phase change.
Cause_change_of_strengthEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
Cause_emotionEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
Cause_harmEDepictive identifies any Depictive phrase describing the actor of an action.
Cause_motionEThe state of a participant during the action
Cause_temperature_changeEThis FE identifies the Depictive phrase describing the Agent or Item .
Cause_to_amalgamateEThe state of the Parts during the amalgamation. Often it refers to the proportion of the Parts to one another.
Cause_to_endEDepictive phrase describing the actor of the event that causes the Process to end.
Cause_to_make_noiseEThe state of one of the primary participants (either Agent or Sound_maker ) during the course of the sound-making event.
Cause_to_rotEA depictive phrase describing the actor of an action.
Cause_to_startEThis FE identifies the Depictive phrase describing the actor or undergoer of an action.
Change_directionEA phrase describing the state of the Theme during the act of changing direction.
Change_of_leadershipEDepictive indicates the state of one of the participants during the action.
Change_postureEThe Protagonist 's state throughout the time they are changing posture.
Change_resistanceEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
ChattingEA description of the state of the Interlocutors (or Interlocutor_1 ) during the conversation.
ChoosingEDepictive labels an independent descriptor of a Cognizer in a choosing event.
ClosureEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
CogitationEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
Coming_to_believeEDepictive phrase describing the Cognizer.
Coming_up_withEThe state of a focal participant during the time the invention takes place.
CommunicationEThe Depictive describes the state of the Communicator .
Communication_mannerEDepictive is used for any phrase describing a participant in an action.
Communication_meansEThe state of the Communicator or Message during the communication.
Communication_noiseEThis FE identifies the state of the Speaker during the communication.
Communication_responseEDepictive phrase describing the Speaker .
ComplainingEThe state of the Complainer while making the Complaint .
ComplianceEDepictive identifies any description of the Actor or Undergoer.
ConqueringEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
ContactingEThe Depictive notes the state of one of the participants in the contacting event.
Container_focused_placingEDepictive phrase describing the Agent of the filling action.
Container_focused_removingEDepicitive phrase describing either the Agent or Theme of the emptying.
ContritionEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target.
Corporal_punishmentEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
CothemeEThis frame element marks a depictive phrase describing the Theme .
Create_physical_artworkEThis FE describes the Creator as being in some state during the creation of the Representation .
Create_representationEThis FE describes the Creator as being in some state during the creation of the Representation .
CreatingEThis FE identifies a depictive phrase describing the actor or undergoer of an action. We wandered around naked . Cicadas screech unseen from within .
DeathEThe FE Depictive denotes the state of the Protagonist as the death occurred.
DefendEThe state of the Defender or Victim during the Assailant 's attack.
DeliveryEDepictive phrase describing the Deliverer or Theme
DepartingEDepictive identifies a phrase which describes the Theme at the time of departing.
DesirabilityEThe Frame Element Depictive encodes a state that the Evaluee is in and which does not represent a temporary or hypothetical set of Circumstances .
DestroyingEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
DifferentiationEState of a participant while the action is ongoing.
DiscussionEThis FE identifies a depictive phrase describing Interlocutor_1 or the pair of Interlocutors .
DisembarkingEThe state of the Traveller or Vehicle during the disembarking.
DiversityEThis FE is used for any Depictive phrase describing the state of the Group
DressingEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the Wearer or Clothing during the act.
DuplicationEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase that describes a primary participant, either the Creator or the Copy / Original .
Education_teachingEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
EmanatingEDepictive phrase describing the the state of the Emission .
EmittingEDepictive phrase describing the the state of the Emission or Source_emitter .
EmptyingEDepicitive phrase describing either the Agent or Theme of the emptying.
EscapingEDepictive identifies a word or phrase describing a participant of an action.
EvadingEDepictive is used to identify the state of any of the participants in the evading event.
EvidenceEA description of the status of the Support within its relationship to the Proposition . This proves my conclusions all by itself .
ExchangeEThe state of Exchanger_1 or Exchangers during the exchange.
Exclude_memberEThe Depictive describes a participant in the exclusion event.
ExecutionEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing a participant in the action.
ExistenceEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
ExpectationEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
Experiencer_objEDepictive identifies a phrase which describes a state of the Experiencer .
ExportingEThis FE identifies the state of a participant during the action
Expressing_publiclyEThe state of the Communicator during the statement.
ExtraditionEA description of the Authorities or Suspect during the extradition.
Extreme_valueEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target.
FamiliarityEThis FE describes the Cognizer as being in some state during the event.
FeigningEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs as being in some state during the feigning action.
FillingEDepictive phrase describing the Agent of the filling action.
FleeingEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
Fluidic_motionEThis FE identifies the Depictive phrase describing the Fluid throughout the action.
Forming_relationshipsEA salient state of Partner_1 , Partner_2 , or Partners which affects the perception of the formation of relationship.
Fragmentation_scenarioEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing any of the undergoers of the fragmentation.
Getting_underwayEThe Depictive is a phrase which describes the state of the Self_mover when she begins the motion away from the Source .
Getting_vehicle_underwayEThe state of the Driver or Vehicle during the preparations.
GivingEA description of the Donor , Recipient , or Theme given independently of the giving event per se.
Grant_permissionEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
Guest_and_hostEDepictive phrase describing the Guest or Host .
HaltEThis FE is used for a Depictive phrase describing the Theme .
Have_associatedEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
Hit_or_missEA description of the Agent during the event.
Hostile_encounterEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
ImitatingEThis FE describes a participant of the imitating event as being in some state. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the imitating event.
ImpactEThe state of the Impactors or the Impactor during the impact.
Import_exportEThis FE identifies the state of a participant during the action
ImportingEThis FE identifies the state of a participant during the action
Inchoative_change_of_temperatureEThe state of the Item during the temperature change.
IndicatingEThe Depictive describes the state of the Communicator .
Individual_historyEA characterization of the Participant or Events .
InstallingEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the Agent or Component that is installed.
InstitutionalizationEThis FE describes a participant of the institutionalization as being in some state during the action.
Intentional_traversingEDepictive phrase describing the Self_mover .
Intentionally_createEThis FE identifies a depictive phrase describing the actor or undergoer of an action.
InterceptingEThis FE describes a participant of the intercepting event as being in some state during the action.
InvadingEThis FE is used for any Depictive phrase describing the state of the Invader or Land while the Invasion occurs.
JudgmentEDepictive identifies any expression describing the state of a participant in the event.
Judgment_communicationEDepictive identifies any expression describing the state of a participant in the event.
Judgment_direct_addressEThe Depictive describes the state of the Communicator or Addressee .
KillingEThe state of the Killer or Victim during the killing.
Knot_creationEThis FE identifies a depictive phrase describing the actor or undergoer of an action. We wandered around naked . Cicadas screech unseen from within .
Labor_productEA word or phrase that characterizes the target.
Launch_processEThis FE identifies the Depictive phrase describing the actor or undergoer of an action.
LeadershipEDepictive refers to that which describes one of the participants in the leadership relationship.
Light_movementEDepictive phrase describing the external argument.
Location_of_lightEThe state of a focal participant during the emission of Light .
Make_noiseEState of the Sound_source during the action.
Making_facesEThe state of the Agent during the event.
ManipulationEThis FE identifies a depictive phrase describing the Agent or Bodypart_of_agent that holds throughout the action.
ManufacturingEA phrase that describes the state of the Manufacturer or the Product during the manufacturing process.
MemoryEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action.
MentionEThe Depictive describes the state of the Communicator .
MotionEThis FE is used for any Depictive phrase describing the state of the Theme while the motion is occuring.
Motion_directionalEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the the state of the Theme during the motion.
Motion_noiseEThe Depictive indicates the state of the Theme during Motion.
Moving_in_placeEA description of the Theme during the action.
OfferingEA description of the Offerer , Potential_recipient , or Theme given independently of the giving event per se.
Operate_vehicleEThe state of the Driver or Vehicle during the Transportation.
PassingEThe state of a participant during the passing action.
Path_shapeEDepictive phrase describing the character of the Road .
Perception_activeEState is used for predicate expressions that apply to the Phenomenon , providing some information about the state it is in while the perceiver's attention is directed to it:
Perception_experienceEThe State indicates predicate expressions that apply to the Phenomenon , providing some information about the state it is in while the Perceiver_passive experiences it.
Personal_relationshipEDepictive phrase describing the Partners .
PlacingEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the Agent or Theme of the placing.
Placing_scenarioEDepictive phrase describing the Agent of the filling action.
PlantingEThe Depictive describes a participant in the Planting action.
PossessionEState of the Owner or Possession .
PostureEThe Agent 's state throughout the time they are in a particular posture.
PresenceEA separate description of the state of the Entity when it is present.
PreservingEThe Depictive phrase describing one of the participants.
Process_continueEDepictive phrase about the state of a focal participant.
Process_endEDepictive phrase describing the actor of the event.
Process_pauseEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action.
Process_startEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action.
Process_stopEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action.
Product_deliveryEThe state of the Goods or the Deliverer during the action.
ProtectingEFN: This FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
Punctual_perceptionEThe state of the Perceiver during the event of perception.
QuarrelingEA state of the Arguers , Arguer1 , or Arguer2 which saliently affects the perception of the action.
Quitting_a_placeEThe state of the Self_mover during the action.
ReasoningEDepictive identifies a phrase describing a participant in an action.
ReassuringEThe Depictive describes the state of the Speaker .
ReceivingEThe state of the Recipient or Theme during the action.
RedirectingEThe state of the Theme or Agent during the redirection.
RegardEDepictive identifies any expression describing the state of a participant in the event.
RemovingEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
Removing_scenarioEDepicitive phrase describing either the Agent or Theme of the emptying.
Render_nonfunctionalPThis FE is used for any Depictive phrase describing the state of particpant while lack of functionality is being rendered.
RenunciationEThe state of the Speaker during the statement.
RequestEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target.
ResidenceEThe state of a Resident during their residence.
Resolve_attempt_scenarioEThe Depictive is a phrase which describes the Agent during the Action .
Respond_to_proposalEDepictive phrase describing the Speaker .
ResurrectionEThe state of the Protagonist during the resurrection.
Reveal_secretEThe state of the Speaker during the statement.
RevengeEDepictive identifies a phrase describing the actor of an action.
Rewards_and_punishmentsEDepictive phrase describing the Agent of the reward or punishment.
Ride_vehicleEThe state of the Theme or Vehicle during the motion.
Seeking_to_achieveEThe Depictive is a phrase which describes the Agent .
Self_motionEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
SendingEDepictive phrase describing the Sender or Theme
SentencingEThe state that the Convict is in at the time of their sentencing.
SeparatingEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the Agent who separates or the undergoers of the separation.
Setting_fireEThis FE describes the Kindler as being in some state during the action.
Setting_outEThe state of the Self_mover during the action.
Shoot_projectilesEA description of the state of the Agent or Projectile during the event.
Shooting_scenarioEA description of the state of the Agent or Projectile during the event.
ShoppingEThis FE describes a participant of shopping scenario as being in some state during the action.
Sidereal_appearanceEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the the state of the Astronomical_entity during the motion.
Sign_agreementEAn expression of the state of the Signatory at the time of signing.
SimilarityEThis FE is used for any Depictive phrase describing the state of the Entities
Spelling_and_pronouncingEThis FE marks any state that the Speaker is in while spelling or pronouncing.
State_continueEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
StatementEThe state of the Speaker during the statement.
StoringEThis FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the Agent or Theme of the storing event.
StudyingEA state which describes the Student during the process of study.
Submitting_documentsEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target.
Success_or_failureEThe Depictive is a phrase which describes the Agent .
Successfully_communicate_messageEThe Depictive describes the state of the Communicator .
Surrendering_possessionEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action.
SurvivingPDepictive is a description of the Survivor, during or after the Dangerous_situation.
Text_creationEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
TouringEThe state of the Tourist or the Attraction during the tour.
Transitive_actionEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action.
TravelEThe state of the Traveler during the journey.
TraversingEDepictive phrase describing the actor of an action
Use_firearmEDepicitive phrase describing the state of a participant in the action.
UsingEThis FE describes a participant of the state of affairs introduced by the target as being in some state during the action. The depicted state does not necessarily or usually facilitate or cause the state of affairs reported by the target.
WaitingEThis FE describes the Protagonist as being in some state during the waiting.
Waking_upEThe state of the Sleeper upon waking up.
Working_onEThe Depictive is a phrase which describes the Agent .